Category: Allgemein
“They Don’t Give You Tips Anymore.”
Logistics looks like a well-oiled machine. It appears to be efficient enough from a distance but that’s in part because many of the components in the logistical chain are invisible and often also invisibilised. Especially the human ones. One of the 2 groups from the Logistical Noir workshop decided to go and meet the ones… Continue reading “They Don’t Give You Tips Anymore.”
Work, Care, and Invisible Organization: Mapping Power and Resistance in 2030
For our contribution to SILENT WORKS our group began with a science-fiction scenario 10 years into the future where the world had been profoundly reshaped by AI capitalism and where most workers were both providing and relying on the fruits of its (no longer quite so hidden) labor. We imagined that, as titanic AI-driven platform… Continue reading Work, Care, and Invisible Organization: Mapping Power and Resistance in 2030
I swear I’m not a robot!
When CAPTCHA was invented in early 2000, it was, and still the idea behind its usage is, to ensure that humans use critical infrastructure and web services. But, in its basic principle, Shweta Ganjoo has briefly summarised the logic of CAPTCHAs, is similar to machine learning “all about identifying patterns”. While digitisation, machine learning technologies… Continue reading I swear I’m not a robot!
The Human Labor Behind Artificial Intelligence, or: The Politics of AAI
The term Artificial Intelligence (AAI) has been chosen to shed light on the fact that AI only appears to work autonomously. In reality, human labor is required to create this magical appearance. To this end, millions of micro tasks are distributed to workers via platforms such as Amazon Mechanical Turk. Their flexible ‘daily work’ forces… Continue reading The Human Labor Behind Artificial Intelligence, or: The Politics of AAI
What if Invisibilized Workers Reclaimed the Future?
The Dull, Dangerous & Dirty workshop demystified the world of silent work and delved into an exercise of the imagination. Participating researchers shared findings of current challenges facing workers in the care sector (particularly during COVID), content moderation, and micro-tasking fields. The Dull, Dangerous & Dirty workshop demystified the world of silent work and delved… Continue reading What if Invisibilized Workers Reclaimed the Future?
Prophecies 4 the Future of Work – About
Prophecies 4 the Future of Work was produced by a group of digital researchers (Felix Diefenhardt, Aslı Dinç, Katrin M. Kämpf , Nelli Kambouri, Felix Nickel). We got together in the three-day online workshop of the Silent Works project during the pandemic to exchange ideas about silence and precarious work. All of us had done… Continue reading Prophecies 4 the Future of Work – About
Prophecies 4 the Future of Work – Prophecy 5
Prophecies 4 the Future of Work – Prophecy 4
ABOUT – INTRO All of our Artificial ARTIFICIAL Intelligence is busy at this time, stay on the line and keep believing. There is no human labour available at the moment The future you wanted to hear cannot be reached at the moment, please try again later All of our human labour is out of service… Continue reading Prophecies 4 the Future of Work – Prophecy 4
Prophecies 4 the Future of Work – Prophecy 3
ABOUT – INTRO Your Future is Bright!You will experience transformations that will revolutionize your life forever! LOVE Your heart is in the right place to start a new passionate love affair; this time with revolution. You will fall in love with mind-blowing liberating ideas and your near future will be filled with protest, dissent and… Continue reading Prophecies 4 the Future of Work – Prophecy 3
Prophecies 4 the Future of Work – Prophecy 2
ABOUT – INTRO The dark end is near and no light will save you LOVE A secret admirer that has been interested in you will stay hidden. Nevertheless, there are plenty of fish in the digital ocean of love and labour. Find out what Venus holds for you! Probably nothing but more loneliness, but still… Continue reading Prophecies 4 the Future of Work – Prophecy 2
Prophecies 4 the Future of Work – Prophecy 1
ABOUT – INTRO Same as it ever was LOVEThe one you love is closer than you think. For now, they might shroud themselves in silence, too scared to step forward, to make their admiration transparent. So, if you have a crush on someone, maybe now it’s time to break the silence. FAMILY & CARE A… Continue reading Prophecies 4 the Future of Work – Prophecy 1
Prophecies 4 the Future of Work – Intro
ABOUT Since ancient times, people have a desire to know about the future before it happens. Stuck in the never-ending present that is the Corona crisis, the demand for accurate AI-powered* prophecies is at an all-time high and our fortune-telling app will quench your thirst for glimpses of your future. You have five areas, which will… Continue reading Prophecies 4 the Future of Work – Intro