Everyday Encounters with the Impacts of Climate Change

MORE WORLD – BG’s 20th Anniversary Conference How can we cooperate across borders to tackle climate change? To explore this question, the Berliner Gazette organized the 20th edition of its annual conference: a three-day program with workshops, performances and public talks. A documentation of the event and further info about MORE WORLD please find here: https://more-world.berlinergazette.de ZK/U – Center for Art and Urbanistics | Berlin | October 10–12, 2019

How can we connect climate narratives with data? How could we visualize the willingness of many individuals that want to make a change when it comes to global warming? Using data visualization techniques, two groups at the MORE WORLD conference came up with engaging and interactive projects. Read more about them below. Climate Storytelling As… Continue reading Everyday Encounters with the Impacts of Climate Change

Categorized as Allgemein

Data-Driven Decisions

Many climate change solutions involve changes in consumption patterns, significant investments and austerity measures that politicians are afraid to make because they could prove unpopular. Apart from the compulsory expert opinions, we think people’s will should be included in the decision-making process as well. We believe many individuals would be willing to make changes in… Continue reading Data-Driven Decisions

Categorized as Allgemein