Climate Action: We don’t shut up!

MORE WORLD – BG’s 20th Anniversary Conference How can we cooperate across borders to tackle climate change? To explore this question, the Berliner Gazette organized the 20th edition of its annual conference: a three-day program with workshops, performances and public talks. A documentation of the event and further info about MORE WORLD please find here: ZK/U – Center for Art and Urbanistics | Berlin | October 10–12, 2019

We were concentrating on the idea of intersectionalities and climate change. We started talking about some of the real life projects that people are working on and thinking of ways how to connect people from very different areas. One of the projects we were looking at was #HambiBleibt – the new protest movement against coal mining in Germany. In his solidarity video, Sudesh Mishra from Fiji explains why their fight is so important.

Resources Games

Another project was focusing on creating a game. The themes they included were:

  • Lack of choice about circumstances
  • Inequality of resource
  • Unforeseen consequences of actions
  • Interactions between places

You can have a look at the draft here.

These projects were conceived at the MORE WORLD conference, October 2019.

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